The onions planted at the start of the year are now starting to look like onions. Onions are well suited to succession planting throughout the year and with the ground …Read More about Summer onions
Gardening Diary Entries
Tomato planting time
Time to plant tomatoes outside. It has not been the best of springs for hardening off tomatoes (moving them from indoors to outdoors). Extreme heat during days and cold nights …Read More about Tomato planting time
Planting courgettes
Courgettes are one of the most productive garden vegetables that can be grown in a city garden. Two plants in a large container will produce one or two courgettes per …Read More about Planting courgettes
Planting out beans
Now is the time to be thinking about this year’s crop of climbing beans. Beans grow very well in city gardens, from containers or in soil beds. They make good …Read More about Planting out beans
Potting up chilli peppers
These warm days are ideal for getting young chilli plants outdoors for their first taste of sunshine. By potting the small plants up into larger pots the plants will start …Read More about Potting up chilli peppers
Turn in the weather
According to tradition planting out should only begin when the bluebells have passed. In recent years spring weather has become quite unreliable with late cold spells and heavy rains. This …Read More about Turn in the weather