July was the wettest in Belgium in 40 years with more than double the average rainfall. With towns and villages flooded and a large loss of life this year will …Read More about August: Summer washout?
Chilli Peppers
June: Straight into summer
Finally a hint of summer, the rain has stopped. The disturbed spring may now lurch straight into summer. With caution, planting out can begin, but unfortunately the slugs and snails …Read More about June: Straight into summer
March: Waiting for spring
It may be some time before spring arrives and outdoor planting can begin. The present weather with record highs for February and minus zero temperatures does not bode well for …Read More about March: Waiting for spring
February winter weather
A lot of gardeners hold that a wintery February month is a good sign for a later spring, as though getting the heavy winter weather out the way in February …Read More about February winter weather
Chilli pepper season
With temperatures falling outside and snow forecast, chilli pepper season is starting indoors. December is the month for starting chilli peppers indoors from seed, especially the hotter varieties. Chilli peppers …Read More about Chilli pepper season
Moving indoors
With temperatures falling outdoors it is convenient there is so much to do indoors. Tomatoes and chilli peppers that were dehydrated from the summer crop can now be processed into …Read More about Moving indoors