Starting beans from seed is one of the easiest horticultural things to do. They are ideal for showing children as the process happens over 5-10 days. Bean seeds (beans) are larger than most other vegetable seeds and do not require any special handling. Here is simple process for starting them.
Using a simple plastic container such as a mushroom box, 4 beans are placed into the half filled box then covered with compost. The soil is then mist sprayed until damp and the box covered with a piece of clear plastic and sealed with an elastic band. No other watering is required. The sealed container is then kept indoors where it can be checked each day.
When the bean plants emerge under the plastic (wait until most have appeared), the cover is then removed and the plants left to produce leaves. At this stage the small plants require mist spraying once or twice a day. The plants should be left to grow an inch or two before re-potting them individually.
Bean plants are quite robust. The block of soil and plants can be removed from the box quite easily. Place a hand among the plants to supports the soil block and remove the plastic box. Carefully place the block of soil and plants onto a tray for separating (try to avoid snapping any of the plant stems during this manoeuvre).
The plant roots are separated by gently working the fingers through the soil and teasing the individual plants loose. Roots can be gently pulled apart as necessary. The individual plants are then ready for repotting in their own pots. Pots should be pre-filled half way, plant placed in, then filled to cover roots and pressed firm.

The finished bean plants can stay in their new containers for 5-15 days. The plants should noticeably grow several inches during this time. Plants should be watered each day until the soil surface is damp. When the plant is healthy and growing it is ready for planting into the garden or into a larger pot.