Winter is starting much like summer finished, wet. Forecasts suggest a wet winter which is not ideal with garden beds already sodden and wet. Raised beds do better draining excess …Read More about November: Winter planting
Posts relating to winter
February winter weather
A lot of gardeners hold that a wintery February month is a good sign for a later spring, as though getting the heavy winter weather out the way in February …Read More about February winter weather
Chilli pepper season
With temperatures falling outside and snow forecast, chilli pepper season is starting indoors. December is the month for starting chilli peppers indoors from seed, especially the hotter varieties. Chilli peppers …Read More about Chilli pepper season
Winter chill coming
The weather has been mild for the time of year with even a warm start to November. Temperatures over 10 degrees are good for planting out new plants. The temperature …Read More about Winter chill coming
Winter salad planting
With the recent cold days it may seem an unlikely time to be planting salad outdoors but, by starting indoors and slowly moving young plants out, a steady supply of …Read More about Winter salad planting
Winter planting
Autumn is the time for planting winter crops, garlic, beans and onions. The idea is to get these crops established and growing before the hard cold of winter arrives. The …Read More about Winter planting