The weather has been mild for the time of year with even a warm start to November. Temperatures over 10 degrees are good for planting out new plants. The temperature …Read More about Winter chill coming
Winter salad
Winter salad planting
With the recent cold days it may seem an unlikely time to be planting salad outdoors but, by starting indoors and slowly moving young plants out, a steady supply of …Read More about Winter salad planting
December: Winter salad
With a few tricks winter salad can be planted throughout the winter months. In general, it should be planted late summer or early autumn but as winter in Belgium often …Read More about December: Winter salad
October: Autumn change
Summer has given way to fall. Already the cold of winter is in the air. In some years the fall months (October to December) are mild and bright and sunny, …Read More about October: Autumn change
Finishing winter salad
This is the time of year to be starting spring salads in trays and pots. As long as temperatures remain above 5 degrees seeds can be directly sown into containers …Read More about Finishing winter salad
Growing salad gallery
Growing salad in containers is a relatively new approach that avoids many of the problems associated with open soil cultivation. The “cut and come again” method, which provides a constant …Read More about Growing salad gallery