July was the wettest in Belgium in 40 years with more than double the average rainfall. With towns and villages flooded and a large loss of life this year will …Read More about August: Summer washout?
Growing Tomatoes
Tomato harvest
Tomatoes are best picked young from the plant. While bunches of ripe tomatoes are a pleasure to behold in the garden the best tomatoes are those picked regularly through the …Read More about Tomato harvest
Training tomatoes
All tomato plants benefit from support as they grow. Besides supporting the plants in winds or bad weather, supporting the plant’s shape as it grows increases the eventual harvest and …Read More about Training tomatoes
Tomato Gallery 2019 (Part 2)
As a general rule it is better to grow the smaller varieties of Mediterranean tomato in city gardens where they have restricted exposure. However, over the last 2 years the …Read More about Tomato Gallery 2019 (Part 2)
Tomato Gallery 2019 (Part 1)
Tomatoes grow well in small city gardens. A raised bed is the best way to grow them though large pots work well also. This raised bed is 5m by 1m …Read More about Tomato Gallery 2019 (Part 1)
September: Harvest time
Gardeners always like to complain that last year was better in the garden. Last year was better in the garden. The cold start to this year, the heavy bouts of …Read More about September: Harvest time