Every windowsill and balcony should have a salad garden. Growing lettuce in pots indoors at this time of year, while it is too cold outside, ensures young healthy plants are …Read More about Starting lettuce in pots
April: Spring has sprung
In the old days gardeners used to say not to plant out in the garden until the bluebells have come out. This was an indicator that the cold of winter …Read More about April: Spring has sprung
Garden to plate
It has been an excellent summer for the kitchen garden. A good 3 months with all tomatoes, salads, beans, courgettes, cucumbers, basil and chilli peppers coming fresh from the garden …Read More about Garden to plate
Roasted lettuce
It is important for gardeners to know when to give up. Trying to grow summer salads in trays or containers in heatwave conditions is almost impossible, and a waste of …Read More about Roasted lettuce
Cucumber season
In many warm weather cultures cucumbers are eaten like apples to provide hydration and valuable nutrition. It particularly suits being eaten fresh with a flavour far superior to store bought …Read More about Cucumber season
Starting spring salad
Mid March is the usual time for sorting out salad trays and containers in the hope of bright sunny days and light showers to produce an early summer harvest. With …Read More about Starting spring salad