Bluebells are considered indicators of ancient woodland. The blooms appear in early spring to take advantage of the sunlight before the forest canopy covers over for the summer. They suit …Read More about Bluebells 2017 gallery
Posts relating to Spring
Spring weather
Do not be deceived by bright sunny afternoons at this time of year. Spring weather is highly unpredictable with night-time temperatures dropping drastically and ground soil far too cold for …Read More about Spring weather
Spring or summer?
With the recent sunny days it is hard to tell if spring is over and summer is here. For plants started in the house the sudden hot days can be …Read More about Spring or summer?
Starting summer tomatoes
Growing tomato plants outdoors in Belgium can be quite tricky. The weather conditions can be quite unreliable. Starting the plants indoors from seed from mid-March should ensure quite strong plants …Read More about Starting summer tomatoes
Bees in spring
There is nothing nicer than to have the first bean flowers appear and the garden to suddenly become alive with foraging bees. Spring time is when bees emerge from hibernation …Read More about Bees in spring
Birds in spring
Spring time is a very important time for small birds in the garden. Around May birds such as the blue tit are nesting and can have up to a dozen …Read More about Birds in spring