With the recent sunny days it is hard to tell if spring is over and summer is here. For plants started in the house the sudden hot days can be confusing. Really gardeners prefer a more gradual transition from winter to summer so young plants can adjust to the changes. Weather changes in recent years are most obvious in spring.
For the hardier plants such as climbing beans and runner beans this warmer weather should mean an early start to the season. The beans do well outdoors and can even be left out over night. That said, night time temperatures can drop considerably and end up stunting young plants.
Some of the beans are now well on and ready for planting out. Here square plastic bags are being used for planting, using a wooden frame for filling the bags. The new transplants are well watered while in the frame and when removed later hold their shape very well. Bags are useful in small city gardens.
Of more concern are recent reports of this being a bumper year for slugs and snails. Already the “Spanish slugs” are in evidence around the garden, here under a bean pot. These can do major damage to young plants. Their early appearance this year, drawn out by the warmth, could mean a difficult year.
The courgettes are the slugs favourite. It will be many weeks before any of these young plants can go outside. For the time being they will occupy windowsills indoors before later being moved to windowsills outdoors to harden off. Courgettes are also sensitive to night time temperatures and cold winds even in day time.

In olden times gardeners always waited for the bluebells to flower before starting the slow process of moving young plants out of doors. These natives of the garden are increasing their presence this year possibly indicating the general damp condition of the garden after the winter.
The Bluebell wood
The ancient forest of Hallerbos between Zenne and ZoniĆ«n in Belgium is famous for its spring time display of bluebells. Known as the “blue forest,” it attracts hundreds of visitors every year.
Climbing Bean Blauhilde
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Courgette All Green Bush
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Courgette Black Beauty
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Courgette Yellow Zucchini
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Polypot Plant Pots in Black Plastic
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Runner Bean Desiree
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Runner Bean Firestorm
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