Cucumbers are great producers for small city gardens. These climbing vines grow well in containers or in soil, work well in shaded gardens and produce fruit steadily over the summer months. Their bright yellow flowers are a favourite of bees with each then turning into a cucumber.
The smaller varieties of cucumber (up to 20cm) work best for small scale domestic use as they produce more regularly than the larger varieties. By combining 2 or 3 types in the garden the gardener can expect 1 or 2 fresh cucumbers each week through the summer.
Cucumbers are vigorous climbing plants requiring a good support. They can be grown on garden canes but work better when attached to a solid upright with string or hung from overhead string. This is because the plant leaves and fruit can become heavy in rain.

Cucumbers grow well in containers on balconies or pathways. They can be encouraged to start climbing with a garden cane and later changed to a string fastened high on a wall. As they thrive in wet conditions they do very well in Belgium.