Cucumbers grow remarkably well in city gardens. They are climbing vines that need to be supported and each plant can produce half a dozen fruit over the growing season. By having several varieties, planted in the ground or in containers, most household needs can be met.

Cucumbers start quite easily from seed. The small plants require protection indoors until the outside temperature improves. They are a favourite of slugs and snails so need to be grown quite large before final planting outside. These seedlings will be replanted later into larger pots before final planting out in May.
Cucumbers produce bright yellow flowers. When these appear around June/July the gardener can sit back and wait for the fruit. Squash are very similar to cucumbers, growing on long vines with a lot of bright flowers. Both do not require constant sun and perform well in restricted conditions.

The mature cucumber plant can grow to 3 metres in length, making it ideal for stairwells and walls. It is easily trained to follow string. Cucumbers grow well with tomatoes and beans. It is better to grow the shorter forms of cucumber rather than the longer traditional varieties as these produce better.