Courgettes are simple to grow in containers or in soil and produce well on a weekly basis over the summer months. They can be grown indoors or on balconies and window sills. In this garden larger pots are used with two or three varieties of courgette.
Courgettes grow quite easily from seed. They are started indoors from March and the small plants slowly moved outside when temperatures allow in April. They are very sensitive to the cold and, as with everything else, are the slugs favourite. It is advisable to keep them out of harms way on a window sill until they are bigger.
While courgettes grow well in soil, using a large container with two plants per container seems to work best. It is easier to protect the plants in a container than in a soil bed. However, what the slugs don’t get the violent hail storms in April will see to. Gardening is about infinite patience and replanting.
The results are worth the effort. The plants produce beautiful flowers (also edible) and can be quite prolific producers during the summer months. Regular picking before the courgettes grow enormous encourages smaller ones to grow on. It is well worth having courgettes in the garden.