The tomatoes planted in pots are doing well (even) in this weather, with some protection. Growing tomatoes in pots works well in confined spaces with plants generally growing to about 1 metre tall. Once the fruit is set and green it is just a matter of time waiting for a bit of sunshine to finish the job.
Roman Candle is a pure yellow banana shaped tomato that will produce a steady crop all summer. It has an intense sweet flavour. The Tigerella tomato is an old favourite which produces well even under adverse conditions. It it bright red with orange stripes. Both plants grow to about 1 metre tall.
Incas Bush produces firm plum type tomatoes ideal for slicing and cooking. Originally from Italia it is a good producer in European conditions. Prince Borghese is a classic Italian heirloom tomato producing solid round small tomatoes ideal for drying. Both are proof Italians produce the best tomatoes.
The Chadwick Cherry is considered by some the best cherry tomato. Developed by the late Alan Chadwick, the plant produces clusters of small 1 inch fruits with a full flavour. The Roma tomato is the general all purpose Italian garden tomato ideal for sauces and cooking. The egg shape fruit have excellent structure and flavour.

Growing tomatoes in pots avoids some of the tomato diseases that proliferate in soil beds under damp conditions. However, pot grown tomatoes have their own set of problems particularly related to watering and heat stress. Blossom end rot on these Roman Candle tomatoes was probably caused by the extreme changes in weather from heatwave to downpour last month (later growth is un-affected)