Spring cleaning in the garden is particularly important for people growing vegetables in containers on paved areas. As the first job of the season, cleaning off all surfaces and weeding paths and edges helps to keep down pests during the year.

Washing down all paths and tiles with a basic household cleaning liquid (mixed strong with hot water) does disrupt slugs and snails from moving about the garden. If possible, plants should be elevated off the ground so further buckets of hot soapy water can be thrown over the areas from time to time.
Spring can be awkward weather wise with mini heat waves followed by rain storms. The heat makes the slugs and snails disappear and the rain makes them emerge very hungry. Finding safe places to bring on young plants out of reach of these pests is important.

Here two trestles are used to make a slug proof table (patent pending) for young bean plants. After the rain has passed and the sun has dried surfaces, another bucket of soapy water will be thrown over the area to discourage slugs.