Clementine is a gourmet French heirloom tomato. It produces dozens of small yellow fruits in large clusters. The plant is one of the first tomatoes in the garden to produce fruit each year. It works well in the uncertain summers of Belgium and has a degree of resistance to late blight.
Clementine is a vine tomato that grows a series of long stems (suitable for training to a wall). It is unusual in that the plant produces far more tomatoes than leaves. The tomatoes follow large sprays of bright yellow flowers that are an early favourite with bees.
While the plant is resistant to late blight, this June’s exceptional rain caused an outbreak of early blight in tomatoes in the garden. This infection causes the plant stems to discolour and rot. It further causes emerging fruit to brown and spoil.
By spotting the infection early and taking drastic action, cutting away stems and infected leaves, the healthier parts of the plant can recover and continue to grow. Unfortunately with the continuing wet conditions this year it is a nervous time waiting to see how the plant recovers.

With the first yellow fruits now appearing the worst seems to be passed. The Clementine is a very unusual tomato with a distinctive flavour. The fact it suits Belgium conditions and produces an abundance of small fruit makes it a mainstay for the small city garden.