The “Good Food Strategy – Towards a sustainable food system in the Brussels-Capital Region” is an initiative of Céline Fremault, Brussels Minister of the Environment, Agriculture and Quality of Life. It is developed by Brussels Environment and the Brussels Regional Public Service’s Agricultural Unit.

- Developing a sustainable food system in Brussels.
- Promoting a local production and transformation process.
- Contributing to the quality of life of Brussels residents.
- Preserving resources and fighting food waste.
- Evolving constantly and raising awareness among future generations.

In Brussels, the organisation of a more sustainable food system is underway: initiatives have been introduced in order to increase the supply (in particular through the development of vegetable gardens, the organisation of solidarity-based local farmer buying groups and projects at canteens) and many citizens are already well informed about the subject.

The “Good Food” strategy action plan has been developed for the next five years. The aim is to introduce a new food culture, increase the local product supply, and raise awareness among citizens in order to encourage an increase in demand for “Good Food” products.
The programme is organised around seven themes and 15 actions presented in order to develop the supply and stimulate the demand, in particular by changing behaviour.
For further information about the strategy, its actions and its objectives, and if you want to contribute to it by producing better and eating well, visit the website;